Working with user authentication

Derby provides support for user authentication. User authentication means that Derby authenticates the name and password for a user before allowing that user access to the system.

When user authentication is enabled (which it is not by default), the user requesting a connection must provide a valid name and password, which Derby verifies against the repository of users defined for the system. After Derby authenticates the user, it grants the user access to the Derby system but not necessarily access to the database made in the connection request. In the Derby system, access to a database is determined by user authorization.

For user authentication, Derby allows you to provide a repository of users in a number of different ways. For example, you can hook Derby up to an external directory service elsewhere in your enterprise, create your own directory service, or use Derby's simple mechanism for creating a built-in repository of users.

You can define a repository of users for a particular database or for an entire system, depending on whether you use system-wide or database-wide properties.

When Derby user authentication is enabled and Derby uses an external directory service, the architecture looks something like that shown in the Figure below:

Figure 1. Derby user authentication using an external service. The application can be a single-user application with an embedded Derby engine or a multi-user application server.
Derby user authentication
using an external service.

Derby always runs embedded in another Java application, whether that application is a single-user application or a multiple-user application server or connectivity framework. A database can be accessed by only one JVM at a time, so it is possible to deploy a system in which the application in which Derby is embedded, not Derby, handles the user authentication by connecting to an external directory service.

Figure 2. The application provides the user authentication using an external service. The application can be a single-user application with an embedded Derby engine or a multi-user application server.
The application user authentication
as an external service.
Related concepts
Configuring security for your environment
Users and authorization identifiers
User authorizations
Encrypting databases on disk
Signed jar files
Notes on the Derby security features
User authentication and authorization examples
Running Derby under a security manager
Related tasks
Providing a user name and password
Configuring security in a client/server environment
Configuring security in an embedded environment