Basic engine security policy template

Customize this policy if your application embeds the Derby engine, running Derby and application code in a single JVM process.

The embedded engine policy grants essential permissions to the engine and shared modules.

grant codeBase "${derby.install.url}derbyshared.jar"
  // Needed to determine whether the JVM was booted with a module path.
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "jdk.module.path", "read";

  // Need in order to read message localizations from other derby jars
  // when running with a module path.
  permission "${derby.install.path}${/}-", "read";

  // Gives permission for JMX to be used against Derby
  // but only if JMX authentication is not being used.
  // In that case the application would need to create
  // a whole set of fine-grained permissions to allow specific
  // users access to MBeans and actions they perform.
  permission "engine", "monitor";
  permission "server", "monitor";


grant codeBase "${derby.install.url}derby.jar"
  // These permissions are needed for everyday, embedded Derby usage.
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "derby.*", "read";
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.dir", "read";
  permission "engine", "usederbyinternals";
  permission "${derby.system.home}","read,write";
  permission "${derby.system.home}${/}-", "read,write,delete";
  permission "${derby.system.home}${/}", "read";
  permission "${derby.system.home}${/}derby.log", "read,write,delete";

  // Properties needed to determine if the VM is 32 or 64 bit.
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "", "read";
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "os.arch", "read";

  // Gives permission for JMX to be used against Derby
  // but only if JMX authentication is not being used.
  // In that case the application would need to create
  // a whole set of fine-grained permissions to allow specific
  // users access to MBeans and actions they perform.
  permission "jmx", "control";
  permission "engine", "monitor";
  permission "server", "monitor";

  // Permissions needed for JMX based management and monitoring.
  permission "createMBeanServer";

  // Allows access to Derby's built-in MBeans, within the domain
  // org.apache.derby.  Derby must be allowed to register and unregister these
  // MBeans.  To fine tune this permission, see the javadoc of
  // or the JMX Instrumentation and Agent Specification.
  permission "org.apache.derby.*#[org.apache.derby:*]", "registerMBean,unregisterMBean";

  // Trusts Derby code to be a source of MBeans and to register these in the MBean server.
  permission "register";

  // Optional permission needed for printing classpath information to derby.log.
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getProtectionDomain";

  // The following permission must be granted for Connection.abort(Executor) to work.
  // Note that this permission must also be granted to outer (application) code domains.
  permission java.sql.SQLPermission "callAbort";

  // Needed by FileUtil#limitAccessToOwner.
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessUserInformation";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getFileStoreAttributes";

  // Needed to create a temp file in order to open a database in a jar file.
  // permission "${}${/}-", "read,write,delete"

  // Customize the following permission in order to backup and restore
  // Derby databases to/from a secure branch of your file system,
  // preferably one owned by the database owner or the user who booted the JVM:
  // permission "/Users/me/backups/-", "read,write"

  // Customize the following permission in order to export and import
  // tables to/from a secure branch of your file system,
  // preferably one owned by the database owner or the user who booted the JVM:
  // permission "/Users/me/imports/-", "read,write"

  // Customize the following permission in order to load
  // jar files which contain user-written types, aggregates, functions, and procedures.
  // Those jar files should live in a secure branch of your file system,
  // preferably one owned by the database owner or the user who booted the JVM:
  // permission "/Users/me/myJars/-", "read"

  // This permission lets a DBA reload the policy file while the server
  // is still running. The policy file is reloaded by invoking
  // the SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_RELOAD_SECURITY_POLICY() system procedure:
  // permission "getPolicy"

  // This permission is needed to call DriverManager.deregisterDriver()
  // and unload the Derby classes:
  // permission java.sql.SQLPermission "deregisterDriver"


Related concepts
Using a Java security policy file
Related tasks
Running the Network Server with a security manager
Running the Network Server without a security manager
Related reference
Basic server security policy template
Basic client security policy template
Basic tools security policy template
Sample customized Java security policy file