Derby support for SQL:2011 features

The SQL:2011 standard puts features into two categories, mandatory and optional.

In the tables that follow, the support status of each feature is indicated as follows:

Derby supports many features of the SQL:2011 standard. Most are in Part 2 (Foundation), but some are in other parts. The supported optional features with the prefix J are in Part 13 (JRT). The supported optional features with the prefix X are in Part 14 (SQL/XML).

SQL:2011 features not supported by Derby lists the features in Part 2 that Derby does not support.

Support for mandatory features

The following tables describe support for SQL:2011 mandatory features.

Table 1. E011: Numeric data types
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
E011-01 INTEGER and SMALLINT data types (including all spellings) Yes
E011-02 REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, and FLOAT data types Yes
E011-03 DECIMAL and NUMERIC data types Yes
E011-04 Arithmetic operators Yes
E011-05 Numeric comparison Yes
E011-06 Implicit casting among the numeric data types Yes
Table 2. E021: Character data types
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory Note
E021-01 CHARACTER data type (including all its spellings) Yes None
E021-02 CHARACTER VARYING data type (including all its spellings) Yes None
E021-03 Character literals Yes None
E021-04 CHARACTER_LENGTH function Yes* Called LENGTH. {fn LENGTH(...)} is according to JDBC specification.
E021-05 OCTET_LENGTH function No None
E021-06 SUBSTRING function Yes* Called SUBSTR. {fn SUBSTRING(....)} is according to JDBC specification.
E021-07 Character concatenation Yes None
E021-08 UPPER and LOWER functions Yes None
E021-09 TRIM function Yes None
E021-10 Implicit casting among the character data types Yes None
E021-11 POSITION function Yes* Called LOCATE. {fn LOCATE(...)} is according to JDBC specification.
E021-12 Character comparison Yes None
Table 3. E031: Identifiers
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
E031-01 Delimited identifiers Yes
E031-02 Lower case identifiers Yes
E031-03 Trailing underscore Yes
Table 4. E051: Basic query specification
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
E051-02 GROUP BY clause Yes
E051-04 GROUP BY can contain columns not in select-list Yes
E051-05 Select list items can be renamed Yes
E051-06 HAVING clause Yes
E051-07 Qualified * in select list Yes
E051-08 Correlation names in the FROM clause Yes
E051-09 Rename columns in the FROM clause Yes
Table 5. E061: Basic predicates and search conditions
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
E061-01 Comparison predicate Yes
E061-02 BETWEEN predicate Yes
E061-03 IN predicate with list of values Yes
E061-04 LIKE predicate Yes
E061-05 LIKE predicate: ESCAPE clause Yes
E061-06 NULL predicate Yes
E061-07 Quantified comparison predicate Yes
E061-08 EXISTS predicate Yes
E061-09 Subqueries in comparison predicate Yes
E061-11 Subqueries in IN predicate Yes
E061-12 Subqueries in quantified comparison predicate Yes
E061-13 Correlated subqueries Yes
E061-14 Search condition Yes
Table 6. E071: Basic query expressions
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
E071-01 UNION DISTINCT table operator Yes
E071-02 UNION ALL table operator Yes
E071-03 EXCEPT DISTINCT table operator Yes
E071-05 Columns combined via table operators need not have exactly the same data type Yes
E071-06 Table operators in subqueries Yes
Table 7. E081: Basic privileges
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
E081-01 SELECT privilege at the table level Yes
E081-02 DELETE privilege Yes
E081-03 INSERT privilege at the table level Yes
E081-04 UPDATE privilege at the table level Yes
E081-05 UPDATE privilege at the column level Yes
E081-06 REFERENCES privilege at the table level Yes
E081-07 REFERENCES privilege at the column level Yes
E081-09 USAGE privilege No
E081-10 EXECUTE privilege Yes
Table 8. E091: Set functions
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
E091-01 AVG Yes
E091-02 COUNT Yes
E091-03 MAX Yes
E091-04 MIN Yes
E091-05 SUM Yes
E091-06 ALL quantifier Yes
E091-07 DISTINCT qualifier Yes
Table 9. E101: Basic data manipulation
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory Note
E101-01 INSERT statement Yes None
E101-03 Searched UPDATE statement Partial correlation name not supported
E101-04 Searched DELETE statement Partial correlation name not supported
Table 10. E121: Basic cursor support (through JDBC)
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory Note
E121-01 Declare cursor No None
E121-02 ORDER BY columns need not be in select list Yes None
E121-03 Value expressions in ORDER BY clause Yes None
E121-06 Positioned UPDATE statement Partial correlation name not supported
E121-07 Positioned DELETE statement Partial correlation name not supported
E121-08 CLOSE statement No None
E121-10 FETCH statement No None
E121-17 WITH HOLD cursors No None
Table 11. E141: Basic integrity constraints
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
E141-01 NOT NULL constraints Yes
E141-02 UNIQUE constraints of NOT NULL columns Yes
E141-03 PRIMARY KEY constraints Yes
E141-04 Basic FOREIGN KEY constraint with the NO ACTION default Yes
E141-06 CHECK constraints Yes
E141-07 Column defaults Yes
E141-08 NOT NULL inferred on PRIMARY KEY Yes
E141-10 Names in a foreign key can be specified in any order Yes
Table 12. E151: Transaction support
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory Note
E151-01 COMMIT statement Yes* Through JDBC Connection.commit, ij supports COMMIT statement
E151-02 ROLLBACK statement Yes* Through JDBC Connection.rollback, ij supports ROLLBACK statement
Table 13. E152: Basic SET TRANSACTION statement
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory Note
E152-01 SET TRANSACTION statement: ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE clause Yes* SET [CURRENT] ISOLATION SERIALIZABLE. Connection.setTransactionIsolation( Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE) is according to JDBC specification.
E152-02 SET TRANSACTION statement: READ ONLY and READ WRITE clauses Yes* No SQL syntax. Connection.setReadWrite() is according to JDBC specification.
Table 14. F031: Basic schema manipulation
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
F031-01 CREATE TABLE statement to create persistent base tables Yes
F031-02 CREATE VIEW statement Yes
F031-03 GRANT statement Yes
F031-04 ALTER TABLE statement: ADD COLUMN clause Yes
F031-13 DROP TABLE statement: RESTRICT clause Yes (implicit)
F031-16 DROP VIEW statement: RESTRICT clause Yes (implicit)
F031-19 REVOKE statement: RESTRICT clause Yes
Table 15. F041: Basic joined tables
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
F041-01 Inner join (but not necessarily the INNER keyword) Yes
F041-02 INNER keyword Yes
F041-05 Outer joins can be nested Yes
F041-07 The inner table in a left or right outer join can also be used in an inner join No
F041-08 All comparison operators are supported (rather than just =) Yes
Table 16. F051: Basic date and time
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory Note
F051-01 DATE data type (including DATE literal) Yes* DATE literal is implemented as built-in function. {d 'yyyy-mm-ff'} is according to JDBC specification.
F051-02 TIME data type (including TIME literal) with fractional seconds precision of 0 Yes* TIME literal is implemented as built-in function. No precision in datatype. {t' hh:mm:ss'} is according to JDBC specification.
F051-03 TIMESTAMP data type (including TIMESTAMP literal) with fractional seconds precision of 0 and 6 Yes* TIMESTAMP literal is implemented as built-in function. No precision in datatype. No timezone in datatype. {ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.f...'} is according to JDBC specification.
F051-04 Comparison predicate on DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP data types Yes None
F051-05 Explicit CAST between datetime types and character types Yes None
F051-06 CURRENT_DATE Yes* No time zone in datetime value expression
F051-07 LOCALTIME Yes* {fn CURTIME()} is according to JDBC specification
Table 17. F131: Grouped operations
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
F131-01 WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses supported in queries with grouped views Yes
F131-02 Multiple tables supported in queries with grouped views Yes
F131-03 Set functions supported in queries with grouped views Yes
F131-04 Subqueries with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses and grouped views Yes
F131-05 Single row SELECT with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses and grouped views Yes
Table 18. F261: CASE expression
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
F261-01 Simple CASE Yes
F261-02 Searched CASE Yes
F261-03 NULLIF function Yes
F261-04 COALESCE function Yes
Table 19. F311: Schema definition statement
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
F311-01 Create schema Yes
F311-02 CREATE TABLE for persistent base tables Yes
F311-05 GRANT statement Yes
Table 20. T321: Basic SQL invoked routines
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
T321-01 User-defined functions with no overloading Yes
T321-02 User-defined stored procedures with no overloading Yes
T321-03 Function invocation Yes
T321-04 CALL statement Yes
T321-05 RETURN statement No
Table 21. Miscellaneous mandatory features
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Mandatory
E111 Single row select statement Yes
E131 Null value support (nulls in lieu of values) Yes
E161 SQL comments using leading double minus Yes
E171 SQLSTATE support Yes
F201 CAST function Yes
F221 Explicit defaults Yes
F471 Scalar subquery values Yes
F481 Expanded NULL predicate Yes
T631 IN predicate with one list element Yes

Support for optional features

The following tables show Derby support for SQL:2011 optional features.

Table 22. F111: Isolation levels other than SERIALIZABLE
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Optional
F111-01 READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level Yes
F111-02 READ COMMITTED isolation level Yes
F111-03 REPEATABLE READ isolation level Yes
Table 23. F302: INTERSECT table operator
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Optional
F302-01 INTERSECT DISTINCT table operator Yes
F302-02 INTERSECT ALL table operator Yes
Table 24. F381: Extended schema manipulation
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Optional
F381-01 ALTER TABLE statement: ALTER COLUMN clause Partial
F381-02 ALTER TABLE statement: ADD CONSTRAINT clause Partial
F381-03 ALTER TABLE statement: DROP CONSTRAINT clause Yes
Table 25. F401: Extended joined table
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Optional
F401-04 CROSS JOIN Yes
Table 26. F831: Full cursor update
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Optional Note
F831-01 Updatable scrollable cursors Partial Insensitive result set cursors
F831-02 Updatable ordered cursors No None
Table 27. T041: Basic LOB data type support
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Optional Note
T041-01 BLOB data type Yes None
T041-02 CLOB data type Yes None
T041-03 POSITION, LENGTH, LOWER, TRIM, UPPER, and SUBSTRING functions for LOB data types Yes* Not standard SQL syntax. See notes on features E021-04, E021-06, E021-09 and E021-11
T041-04 Concatenation of LOB data types Yes None
T041-05 LOB locator: non-holdable No None
Table 28. T211: Basic trigger capability
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Optional Note
T211-01 Triggers activated on UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE of one base table Yes None
T211-02 BEFORE triggers Yes* Need to specify non-standard ON CASCADE BEFORE. Before triggers cannot have INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statements as their action
T211-03 AFTER triggers Yes None
T211-04 FOR EACH ROW triggers Yes None
T211-05 Ability to specify a search condition that shall be True before the trigger is invoked Yes None
T211-06 Support for run-time rules for the interaction of triggers and constraints No None
T211-07 TRIGGER privilege Yes None
T211-08 Multiple triggers for the same event are executed in the order in which they were created in the catalog Yes None
Table 29. Miscellaneous optional features
Feature ID Feature Name SQL:2011 Optional Note
F033 ALTER TABLE statement: DROP COLUMN clause Yes None
F200 TRUNCATE TABLE statement Yes None
F262 Extended CASE expression Yes None
F263 Comma-separated predicates in simple CASE expression Yes None
F281 LIKE enhancements Yes None
F304 EXCEPT ALL table operator Yes None
F312 MERGE statement Yes None
F313 Enhanced MERGE statement Yes None
F314 MERGE statement with DELETE branch Yes None
F382 Alter column data type Partial You can alter only VARCHAR, VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA, BLOB, and CLOB columns, and you can change only the length. That is, you can change the data type from VARCHAR(10) to VARCHAR(100), but not from VARCHAR(10) to CLOB(100).
F383 Set column not null clause Yes None
F391 Long identifiers Yes None
F402 Named column joins for LOBs, arrays, and multisets Yes None
F431 Read-only scrollable cursors Yes* Through JDBC (only insensitive cursors)
F491 Constraint management Yes None
F492 Optional table constraint enforcement Yes None
F531 Temporary tables Partial Global tables (DECLARE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement)
F591 Derived tables Yes None
F641 Row and table constructors Yes None
F690 Collation support Partial Users can create a database with territory-based collation
F701 Referential update actions Partial None
F721 Deferrable constraints Partial Deferrable NOT NULL constraints are not supported
F763 CURRENT_SCHEMA Partial Non-standard syntax (CURRENT SCHEMA instead of CURRENT_SCHEMA), and it is not allowed in a DEFAULT clause
F781 Self-referencing operations Yes None
F791 Insensitive cursors Yes* Through JDBC
F801 Full set function Partial DISTINCT in more than one aggregate function will not work, but SELECT DISTINCT with DISTINCT in one aggregate function will work
F850 Top-level <order by clause> in <query expression> Yes None
F851 <order by clause> in subqueries Yes None
F852 Top-level <order by clause> in views Yes None
F855 Nested <order by clause> in <query expression> Yes None
F856 Nested <fetch first clause> in <query expression> Yes None
F857 Top-level <fetch first clause> in <query expression> Yes None
F858 <fetch first clause> in subqueries Yes None
F859 Top-level <fetch first clause> in views Yes None
F860 Dynamic <fetch first row count> in <fetch first clause> Yes None
F861 Top-level <result offset clause> in <query expression> Yes None
F862 <result offset clause> in subqueries Yes None
F863 Nested <result offset clause> in <query expression> Yes None
F864 Top-level <result offset clause> in views Yes None
F865 Dynamic <offset row count> in <result offset clause> Yes None
J581 Output parameters Yes None
J621 External Java routines Yes None
J622 External Java types Yes None
T021 BINARY and VARBINARY data types Yes* Non-standard type names CHAR FOR BIT DATA and VARCHAR FOR BIT DATA instead of BINARY and VARBINARY
T031 BOOLEAN data type Yes None
T042 Extended LOB data type support Partial CAST and string value functions implemented. No comparison or ordering.
T071 BIGINT data type Yes None
T101 Enhanced nullability determination Yes None
T174 Identity columns Yes* MAXVALUE and CYCLE not supported. Deviation from standard: A comma (,) is required before INCREMENT.
T175 Generated columns Yes None
T176 Sequence generator support Yes* ALTER SEQUENCE not supported. Only one NEXT VALUE FOR clause per sequence in each statement
T191 Referential action RESTRICT Yes None
T212 Enhanced trigger capability Yes None
T271 Savepoints Yes None
T281 SELECT privilege with column granularity Yes None
T323 Explicit security for external routines Yes None
T326 Table functions Partial None
T331 Basic roles Partial None
T332 Extended roles Partial None
T351 Bracketed SQL comments (/*...*/ comments) Yes None
T431 Extended grouping capabilities Partial Partial support for GROUP BY ROLLUP
T441 ABS and MOD functions Yes None
T501 Enhanced EXISTS predicate Yes None
T591 UNIQUE constraints of possibly null columns Yes None
T611 Elementary OLAP operations Partial Partial support for ROW_NUMBER
X010 XML type Yes None
X016 Persistent XML values Yes None
X061 XMLParse: Character string input and DOCUMENT option Partial No support for the STRIP WHITESPACE option
X096 XMLExists Partial Support only for XPath queries, not full XQuery
X200 XMLQuery Partial Support only for XPath queries, not full XQuery
X203 XMLQuery: passing a context item Yes None
X205 XMLQuery: EMPTY ON EMPTY option Yes None
X222 XML passing mechanism BY REF Yes None